Saturday, December 11, 2021

Jewels of the Attributes of God

And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; 
and of his kingdom there shall be no end.
Luke 1:33
"Moral blessings and divine beauties will reward the efforts of everyone whose mind is heaven bent. 
We may grasp revelations—heavenly beauties—that lie beyond the short vision of the worldling, that outshine the imagination of the greatest mind and the most learned philosopher who has not connected himself with infinite power.... 
and truth 
are the attributes of God's throne
They are the principles of His government which is to be established on the earth, made pure by the fire of His retributive justice. 
These are the jewels to be sought after and cherished for time and for eternity. In view of these things, ... build your character not after the worldly standard, but for eternity."