Friday, December 10, 2021

IN the NEWS - When Secular Leaders Turn NASTY

Q: How might this NASTINESS by Political Leaders, such as we see in Austria, repeat itself during the mark-of-the-beast controversy?
Q: IF they (in western democracies) can so easily be NASTY to their people over this [remember--the vast majority who have got COVID haven't died--but some have/and the vast majority who got the Vax haven't died from it--but some have] think how easily they can crack down on those one day who pose a threat to the world order that builds the image to the beast....This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 Timothy 3:1

"People in Austria who remain unvaccinated could find themselves imprisoned for a year, according to critics of an amendment to an administrative law.

Susanne Fürst of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ), which voted

against the amendment, warned that it could be used to punish the unjabbed with much harsher sentences.

The amendment raises fines from €726 (£617/$818) to €2,000 (£1,701/$2,255) and increases prison time for those who refuse to pay from four weeks to up to a year.

Given that Austrians who don’t get vaccinated by February face fines of up to €7,200 ($8,000) for non-compliance, those who refuse to pay would also face a 12 month jail sentence.

The amendment also orders people who are jailed to pay for their own imprisonment.

Despite Fürst protesting that the amendment could be used to further punish the unvaccinated, the measure was approved anyway.

At the time it was announced, then Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg vowed to hit the unvaccinated with “penalties” if they still refused to get the jab, while asserting that they should “suffer.

Given that some technocrats are asserting that the vaccination program will never end, the initial one year prison sentence for vaccine refusniks could be just the beginning." SummitNews