Thursday, December 2, 2021

IN the NEWS - What is the Scariest Thing about this Story?

Q: What's the Scariest thing in the story below? (Besides the Obvious of people implanting chips in their body for government information)
A: That some Christians will seize on this nonsense and declare this is the mark of the beast (about the mark in hand and those who have been claiming that a chip will be involved) and thereby be more hard hearted when it comes to hearing the Truth about the Mark......this is the Prince of Persia sowing seeds of confusion blurring the Truth as we are likely nearing the end.
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 Timothy 3:1

"If you could have a vaccine passport permanently embedded into
your hand, would you do it?  Amazingly, some people in Sweden are willingly doing this to themselves.  They are putting microchips that contain their vaccine passport information into their hands, and they are raving about how convenient this is. 

I was absolutely floored when I first watched that.

Do they not understand where this could lead?

Society is increasingly being divided into two classes of people, and the class of people that is willingly conforming is being granted many “privileges” that the other group is being denied.

Many believe that this is “just a phase” and that things will eventually go back to normal.

But the truth is that this is not “just a phase” at all.

If we are “going to have to start living with COVID”, that means that all of the infrastructure that they are now putting in place will be with us from now on.

Whether it is on your phone, on a card that you show or actually

embedded in your skin, you will need to take it with you wherever you go in case you are stopped by law enforcement authorities.

Needless to say, all of this sounds eerily similar to what we witnessed back in the 1930s.

The people that are doing this to us have taken their masks off and they are showing us who they really are.

These are such dark times, and I have a feeling that they are about to get a whole lot darker." ZeroHedge