Wednesday, December 8, 2021

IN the NEWS - Prince of Persia Inspired Selfies.....

Ye are of your father the devil, 
and the lusts of your father ye will do. 
He was a murderer from the beginning...  
For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain ......
 John 8:44/Romans 8:22

"A teenager has been arrested in India for decapitating his pregnant sister as their mother allegedly held the victim's legs, according to police.

The 19-year-old had wed contrary to her parent's wishes. She was two months pregnant, police told the outlet, citing the woman's husband.

"The girl (19) went against her parents' wishes and got married five months ago. They had a court marriage and since then she had not been in contact with her family and was living with her husband," police official Kailash Prajapati informed the outlet.

The gruesome execution occurred on Sunday. The relatives went to the young woman's residence and she invited them in for tea.
 "That is when the brother took a scythe and struck her four times and beheaded her. They then picked up the head and kept it outside the house in the yard and left the body inside," he said. "The mother was holding her legs during the incident and was equally complicit."
The slain woman's spouse, who had been sleeping, awoke when he heard the sound, police noted. "The accused attacked him as well but he was able to escape," Prajapati said. 
The BBC reported that police suspect the individuals took a selfie photo with the head...... before they posed for selfies with her head they showed neighbors." Blaze