Wednesday, December 22, 2021

IN the NEWS - Groundwork Laid for "snitches"

And then shall many be offended, 
and shall betray one another
and shall hate one another.
Matthew 24:10
Of all the Groundwork that is being laid for the end times via COVID (NOT that this COVID stuff is the Mark of the Beast) this may be the most chilling. 
Think of this system being set up of paid SNITCHES ---- in the end times being turned on those who refuse to cooperate with the Mark of the Beast.....the end result of becoming Freedomless Democracies....

"The Austrian government is hiring people to “hunt down vaccine refusers,” according to a report published by Blick.

Yes, really.

The burden for enforcing the fines unjabbed Austrians will have to pay as part of their punishment will fall to their employers, necessitating a new army of ‘inspectors’ to ensure that process is running smoothly.

The city of Linz, which is home to 200,000 inhabitants, has a relatively low vaccination rate of 63 per cent.

In response, “Linz now wants to hire people who are supposed to hunt down vaccine refusers,” reports Swiss news outlet Blick.

The role of the inspectors will be to check on “whether those who do not get vaccinated really pay for it.”

The vaccine refusenik hunters will receive a wage of 2774 euros, which will be paid 14 times a year, making an annual income of 38,863 euros." NW