Friday, December 17, 2021

IN the NEWS - Germany: Case Study

CASE STUDY: The COVID FASCISM we see rising in western democracies can just as easily be applied when the Mark of the Beast crises grips the earth.
Listen to how Scholz refers to the unvaccinated --- same nasty tone that will be taken against those in the end times who oppose the government's counterfeit sabbath when it comes. The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left. Isaiah 24:5,6

"Angela Merkel’s successor in Germany has declared that there is nothing he won’t do to battle COVID, a stark statement given

previous pledges to make compulsory vaccinations legal.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz used his first address to the nation in Germany to push vaccinations, declaring that they are the only way Germany can overcome the pandemic.

Scholz added that there would be “no red lines” in the battle against the current wave of COVID, which he declared to be fueled by unvaccinated citizens.

We will pull every possible lever,” he continued, adding “It will get better. Yes, we will win the fight against this pandemic with the biggest determination. And, yes, … we will overcome the crisis.

 He added that “our society is not divided,” and referring to people opposed to vaccinations proclaimed “We will not put up with a tiny minority of uninhibited extremists trying to impose their will on our entire society.

Scholz previously said he wants to introduce mandatory coronavirus vaccination for all Germans as early as February, according to sources close to him.

-----Germany recently recorded its highest COVID death toll for 9 months, despite having mask mandates and stringent rules in many regions that banned the unvaccinated from numerous venues.

The country is preparing to follow the example of Austria by imposing new lockdown measures that will exclusively apply to the unvaccinated." SummitNews