Wednesday, December 15, 2021

IN the NEWS - Example of.....Laudato Si' Style

Below is an example of the attitude of the Green Religion that IF there is a Green Component [Laudato Si' Style] to the Mark of the Beast--how these people can be Dangerous as Proponents of Persecution....This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 
2 Timothy 3:1
"Denials of “climate change” are “deadlier” than denials of the
science behind COVID-19, according to renowned climate activist Michael E. Mann, who defended his earlier call for social media companies to censor those who disagree with his views on global warming science, effectively removing “climate denial” content in the same way COVID denial” content is suppressed online.
Last week, Mann praised YouTube for removing “COVID denial videos,” requesting the same be done for “climate denial” content as well. 
Hey @Youtube. It’s good you’re taking down COVID denial videos. Now it’s time for you to remove climate denial videos,” he wrote. “They pose an even greater threat to humanity in the long term.” Breitbart