Monday, December 13, 2021

IN the NEWS - CASE STUDY: Kentucky Tornados Laudato Si' Style Politics

Possibilities to Ponder----The Kentucky Tornados gives us a glimpse how Laudato Si' Style Politics can be used for fearmongering to bully people into action----and we know what action Laudato Si'  calls for---the equivalent of Green Lockdowns on the venerable day of the here is a CASE STUDY in FEAR MONGERING ...Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth... Luke 21:26

"A common refrain of the angry Sun monster-fearing left is that every unfortunate weather event can be blamed on “climate change.”
Never mind that hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. all occurred before the Industrial Revolution, much less that those deadly weather events like hurricanes have actually grown less frequent in the past decades and aren’t getting more severe, leftists want to blame human activity for them, so they just ignore the evidence and go ahead and do so.

Leftists, however, tend to not be too concerned with the facts, so they continued to blame the hurricanes on climate change, with posts like the one below popping up all over Twitter: Climate Change: What does it look like? This is absolutely heartbreaking & it's a direct result of climate change. Believe me, I know it's tempting to scream, yell & question why people are so slow to accept reality but we must have conversations w/ skeptics.
Eric Swalwell, the Democrat that slept with a Chinese spy, for example, took to Twitter to place the blame on Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, as if the former doctor was somehow to blame for a tragic tornado:
We should do all we can to help our Kentucky neighbors. God be with them — they are hurting. But do not for one second forget that @RandPaul has voted against helping most Americans most times they’re in need.
Noel Scovell, a former writer and producer for Late Night With David Letterman, also blamed Paul and fellow Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell, who also represents Kentucky. “Sorry Kentucky,” Scovell tweeted. “Maybe if your 2 senators hadn’t spent decades blocking legislation to reduce climate change, you wouldn’t be suffering from climate disasters. If it’s any consolation, McConnell and Rand have f’ed over all of us, too.”
Once the Orwellian “Two Minutes Hate” against Rand Paul for…
somehow being to blame for tornadoes was over, leftists went ahead and started blaming climate change for the unfortunate weather event. Mark Ruffalo, the crazy leftist that plays “the Hulk” in Marvel movies, said: This is what #ClimateCatastrophe looks like. It’s only going to get worse from here. Now is time to fight for our suffering and despairing youth.
President Brandon, managing to speak for a teleprompter without too many issues, also blamed climate change, saying: All that I know is that the intensity of the weather across the board has some impact as a consequence of the warming of the planet and the climate change. The specific impact on these specific storms, I can’t say at this point. I’m going to be asking the EPA and others to take a look."