Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Creation Moment 12/8/2021 - What Snowflakes Tell Us....

For he saith to the snow, 
Be thou on the earth... Job 37:6
FREE WILL is everywhere. Not only with humans----but even in Nature through Nature's own watered down form known as Randomness... this Randomness can be seen in the creation of a single snowflake----all the steps open to a multitude of Possibilities can create BILLIONS of Unique ones.
Whether Free Will for Humans---or Randomness in Nature---we see UNIQUENESS as a DESIGN of the Creator=Sign of Creation.

"In cold weather, drops of water in the atmosphere

freeze into ice crystals. As many as 200 crystals
stick together to form a snowflake.

Conditions like air temperature and humidity
determine the snowflake’s shape. 
Colder air makes snowflakes with sharper tips.
Warmer air forms crystals more slowly, so they
develop rounder shapes. Less moisture in the air
makes simpler shapes, and high humidity makes
fancier shapes.
Snowflakes grow and change even more as they
fall from the sky. 
So each snowflake is unique, even
though billions of them can fall in one snowstorm." ICR