Thursday, December 9, 2021

Creation Moment 12/10/2021 - DESIGN = SWITCHES that can be Tampered with.....

For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
Romans 8:22
DESIGN = SWITCHES that can be Tampered with, such as by SIN entering the picture.....such as putting in our bodies, or inheriting the damage done by our ancestors, that can interfere with those switches....
"RNA methylation is a biochemical process that can act like a switch and turn certain activities on or off in our cells
It is known to be important for 
---producing properly shaped RNA molecules, 
---synthesizing proteins 
---and determining the lifespan of RNA molecules in the cell, among other things. 

Methyl modifications on mRNA also play a role in cell fate decisions and the way embryonic stem cells are differentiated during development.

Scientists have recently identified a few RNA methyl modification erasers, which has raised the intriguing possibility that these methyl groups can be both written and erased from an mRNA transcript, Mugridge said. But how these eraser enzymes recognize and choose which specific methyl groups to remove out of the thousands that are found on RNA, and how frequently they do this, remains poorly understood.

Does it happen all the time, or is it a rare event? Does it only happen in disease or in specific cell types? These are some of the questions Mugridge and his team plan to answer. The research team also will explore how proteins and other cofactors, such as vitamin C, regulate demethylase activity in the cell." SciTechDaily