Friday, November 12, 2021

Peering Into That Divine Mirror

"The law of God is the only true standard of moral perfection. 
---That law was exemplified in the life of Christ. He says of Himself, "I have kept my Father's commandments" (John 15:10). 
---Nothing short of this obedience will meet the requirements of God's word. "He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked" (1 John 2:6). 
---We cannot plead that we are unable to do this, for we have the assurance, "My grace is sufficient for thee" (2 Cor. 12:9). 
As we look into the divine mirror, the law of God, we see the exceeding sinfulness of sin, 
and our own lost condition as transgressors. 
But by repentance and faith we are justified before God, and through divine grace enabled to render obedience to His commandments." E.G.W.