Tuesday, November 23, 2021

IN the NEWS - Woke Policy and Eccl. 8:11

Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. Eccl. 8:11
Below is a story of what has become of California and it's radical leftist policies on crime by allowing stealing up to a certain dollar value, the defund the police movement and lack of targeting crime because of wokeness.....
"Looters hit San Francisco Bay-area stores for the third day in a row this week as a jewelry store was robbed in the Southland Mall in
Hayward and a Lululemon store was struck in San Jose.....a large mob of people created a huge disturbance inside the mall, as some 40 to 50 looters broke glass cases at Sam's Jewelers with hammers and other tools before fleeing.
"We saw all the other stores closing," one woman said who works near Sam's Jewelers. "They were panicking, so we were panicking and quickly closed our store and barricaded ourselves."

"It was very scary," another witness said. "People with no morals, no sense for other people's safety. I feel helpless. It's disturbing."
There was another robbery on Friday targeting a Louis Vuitton store among others in San Francisco's Union Square, one on Saturday at a Nordstrom in Walnut Creek, and another at marijuana dispensaries overnight in Oakland, the news outlet reported." JustNews