Thursday, November 4, 2021

IN the NEWS - Useless Rituals

Q: What will be accomplished by these Rituals?...what memeber, for example, of Boko Haram, when cutting off the head of a Christian in Nigeria, will pause and have 2nd thoughts because of this Red campaign?
Q: How much money will be wasted on Red Lights, Clothes and Candles?
----Not one person will be spared because of this SYMBOLISM OVER SUBSTANCE.
... in vain shalt thou make thyself fair; thy lovers will despise thee, they will seek thy life.
Jeremiah 4:30

"Hundreds of cathedrals, churches, monuments, and public buildings around the world will be lighting up red throughout the week of
November 17-24, in an international campaign aimed at raising alarm over the rise of religious persecution.

Titled #RedWeek, the campaign is organized annually in November by the papal foundation Aid to the Church in Need (ACN). It was first launched in 2015 to raise awareness about the persecution of Christians and the need for religious freedom, with Christians gathering all over the world to pray for their persecuted brothers and sisters.

This year’s campaign will kick off in Austria with an event in St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna, followed by similar events in other countries. “A long list of buildings will be illuminated in red, among them the cathedrals of Montreal and Toronto in Canada, the Basilica of Montmartre in Paris, and major buildings in Slovakia,” a press release reports, adding that in Australia schoolchildren in six dioceses plan to wear red clothes during the week, while people in Belgium people will light candles for persecuted Christians." VaticanNews