Monday, November 1, 2021

IN the NEWS - Politics: a Dishonest Business

The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit: he hath left off to be wise, and to do good. Psalm 36:3
"Virginia Democrat Terry McAuliffe (D) is experiencing a wave of mockery on social media over a viral photo showing five individuals claiming to be supporters of his Republican challenger Glenn
Terry McAuliffe

, holding tiki torches outside of a campaign bus — an obvious nod to Charlottesville and white supremacy — as many surmise it is nothing more than a stunt by the Democrat’s supporters days before Election Day.

These men approached @GlennYoungkin’s bus as it pulled up saying what sounded like, ‘We’re all in for Glenn.’ Here they are standing in front of the bus as his campaign event at Guadalajara started.@NBC29,” NBC 29’s Elizabeth Holmes said alongside a photo showing five individuals wearing khaki pants, white shirts, and baseball hats holding tiki torches in front of Youngkin’s bus — an attempt to drive the false narrative that Republicans embrace and support white supremacy. One of the supposed supporters standing in the picture is black.

The anti-Trump, pedo-protecting Lincoln Project was forced to issue an emergency press release Friday afternoon after Democratic
operatives they paid to impersonate tiki-torch wielding Trump supporters were doxxed,
after they stood in front of Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin's campaign bus.
Dem Party operatives and MSNBC "analysts" spent the day spreading a photo that was dubious from the start - staged to make it appear neo-Nazis were supporting Glenn Youngkin - and now it turns out that, yet again, they spread disinformation. Over and over: the same people do this.
One of them is the financial director for the Virginia Young Democrats... and since being outed as such, has made his Twitter private. 
To be clear: Virginia Democrat operatives dressed up as Neo-Nazis holding tiki-torches today to smear their opponent and attempted to pass it off as actually happening.
The people who most vocally claim to be worried about
disinformation and Fake News -- to the point that they want to censor the internet in its name -- are, by far, the most aggressive and prolific disseminators of disinformation and Fake News. Always.
Ralph Northam wore blackface and now Terry McAullife makes staffers dress like white nationalists"