Saturday, November 13, 2021

IN the NEWS - MAP's on Gen. 6:5 Path

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5

"Adults who want sex with children are the unfair victims of social stigma, according to a taxpayer-funded “queer” lecturer at Old Dominion University.

Instead of using pedophile, Americans “should refer to people who feel sexual attraction towards children as ‘Minor Attracted Persons,'” Allyn Walker, an assistant professor at Old Dominion University in Virginia. The androgynous-looking Walker identifies himself as “queer,” instead of transgender. 

Walker said:

I think it’s important to use terminology for groups that members of that group want others to use for them and MAP advocacy groups — like Before You Act —  have advocated for use of the term MAP. They’ve advocated for it primarily because it’s less stigmatizing than other terms like pedophile.

Not all people who are sexually attracted to children act on their impulse, Walker said:

A lot of people when they hear the term pedophile, they automatically assume that it means a sex offender. And that isn’t true and it leads to a lot of misconceptions about attractions toward minors.

“Non-offending MAPs, by definition, do not abuse children so their behaviors are moral,” Walker said. “But they’re still being subjected to this same idea that they’re bad people.”

The push to normalize pedophilia by a self-described “non-binary” person comes as the progressives push to diversity and fragment Americans’ balanced cultural views about sex." Breitbart