Monday, November 22, 2021

IN the NEWS - a Jesuit, a Jain & a Wokester walk into a classroom.....

And many shall follow their pernicious ways... 2 Peter 2:2
"A woke professor at a prominent Jesuit university is under fire after threatening to target student grades if students fail to include their gender pronouns in assignments. 

Dr. Christopher Miller, professor of Jainism and Yoga studies at Loyola Marymount University (LMU), told students in an email that "all are required to include their pronouns next to their name in their blog posts." 

"I will count this toward your grade when I check for your name each time I grade the blogs," Miller warned in September while issuing instructions for the new academic year. "Our own LMU provost links this article in his own signature after he identifies his pronouns."

In his email, Miller posts a link to an article titled "What Are Personal Pronouns and Why Do They Matter?" from the website created by "Shige Sakurai (they/them)."

Sakurai is a biological male who boasts of being the first American to acquire a nonbinary driver's license. 

Miller changed his own name to Christopher "Jain" Miller after he converted to Jainism. (Jainism is one of the three major religions of India, born as a rebellion against Hinduism around the sixth century B.C. It retains central Hindu beliefs like karma and reincarnation.)." CM