Tuesday, November 9, 2021

IN the NEWS - Ecumenism with Mother Earth......

"Archbishop Michael Jackels of Iowa is calling on people to “reject the traditional methods of burial in favor of liquefying the corpse” of their loved ones. 

Archbishop Jackels says that liquefying a dead body and pouring it into the ground would save land by not having to bury people. He also said that this process would save natural resources by eliminating the use of coffins or the 30 gallons of fuel required to cremate a single body. 
This new green burial that’s supposed to save the environment is a call to put people into a blender and turn them into a soup so they can be poured out as an offering to Mother Earth
Archbishop Jackels explained the entire process. He said by “combining hot water, lye (a strongly alkaline solution) and air pressure,” you can “liquefy a body in a matter of hours, which can then be safely poured in the ground.” That is an actual quote from the Roman Catholic leader. 
The solutions for solving the so-called climate crisis are getting out of hand. It is troubling when the church begins to mix the climate message with human body pollution and environmentally friendly body disposal techniques
I know they are talking about dead bodies, but how long before they start talking about liquefying the living? Jesus did say:

Yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.” John 16:2.

Q: What god are they serving? 
In the new eco-religion, bodies will be placed in a human blender and turned into a disposable liquid as a sign of ecumenism with Mother Earth." AdventMessenger