Sunday, November 21, 2021

IN the NEWS - De Blasio of Caritas Busted

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13
"A well-known priest who heads an Italian branch of the Catholic relief agency Caritas claims he forgot to delete child pornography he had collected to investigate pedophilia in the Church.

Turin police arrested 55-year-old Fr. Nicola De Blasio on Nov. 3 and seized thousands of images and videos of child porn depicting sexual violence against children and even babies
Investigators described the pictures as "gruesome," but the priest firmly denied "any kind of attraction towards the images," claiming that the images were part of a dossier he was "collecting between 2015 and 2016 to document the phenomenon of child pornography in the Church."

 Investigators also found in De Blasio's residence 170,000 euros in cash, which the priest claimed to be the "savings of the parish" designed for renovating the church building and savings left by his parents.

Left-wing municipal councilor and former coordinator of Caritas, Benevento, Angelo Moretti, vigorously defended the arrested priest, comparing his arrest to Jesus' arrest on Maundy Thursday. 

"Tonight, he is in Gethsemane; many have already condemned him. Those who asked him for help yesterday are ready to spit in his face today. But Fr. Nicola knows this is the path that befalls people like him who go against the tide," Moretti said.

In 2020, Italian police busted an international pedophile network disseminating child porn involving the torture of babies as young as six months." CM