Friday, November 5, 2021

IN the NEWS - Dangerous Eco-Fascism

Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me.
Psalm 139:11

More Evidence of just how DANGEROUS the Left is getting in Western Democracies---but as for the End Times--one can see these people mercilessly going after those who don't support their policies such as possibly "climate sundays" joined by "Christians" who think by mandating the counterfeit sabbath on Sunday that they are doing God's will....imagine BOTH groups joining forces--IMAGINE the persecution they could unleash...

"Al Gore (AlGore) said today in an interview that technology created by the Climate TRACE coalition can monitor greenhouse gas
emissions. This revelation comes during day 4 of the COP26 Climate Summit in Glasgow in Scotland, where Gore is worshiping…. err …. attending.

Gore,  a long-time global warming activist, told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that the technology would be able to track the “identities” of those “responsible” for emitting greenhouse gases. He then threatened that the government or “civil society activists” would then be able to hold them accountable." Fulcrum7