Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Creation Moment 11/4/2021 -Mar's Hill Sermon Relied on Genesis

"Paul’s address to the Athenians at Mars Hill (Acts 17:22–34) ....Paul tailored his message to confront the core errors of the Greek
worldview—which resulted in some conversions among the Athenians. 
Paul’s Areopagus address seems tailored to the cultural errors and misconceptions of the Greeks. This made his message very relevant to them because it addressed particular areas where they needed correction, and where they needed to repent. Some think it is offensive or unloving to engage in this type of dialogue, but provided we do this “with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15), it is actually one of the most loving ways we can engage with unbelievers. 
Paul tells them about the Creator God who is not made from wood or stone, and who needs nothing from humans, but who sustains us continually.
Greeks at the Areopagus had a wrong view that they were superior to other ‘races’ of people. In response to this false view, Paul proclaims that all humanity is descended from Adam (“one man”, v. 26) and all humanity will be judged by one man, Christ. 
Every person is sinful, and every person needs to be saved. 
Paul’s sermon clearly shows us that when we seek to evangelize, we should stand confidently on the foundation of Genesis, particularly regarding areas where creation corrects cultural error, and not compromise with secular worldviews." CMI