Thursday, November 11, 2021

Creation Moment 11/12/2021 - Evolution Turns to Climate Change CULT for Answers....

Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Romans 1:21

"Evolutionists are ignoring the mammoth in the room. Or, that is, the
mammoth in the permafrost. Instead of approaching the puzzle of millions of frozen mammoth bones and tusks in the Arctic circle, from Alaska to Siberia, they play with their favorite toys: climate change and evolution.

Humans did not cause woolly mammoths to go extinct – climate change did (University of Cambridge). In its rush to include the trendy phrase “climate change” in yet another press release, this article fails to even mention the vast numbers of mammoth bones trapped in the ice, often with organs intact.

For five million years, woolly mammoths roamed the earth until they vanished for good nearly 4,000 years ago – and scientists have finally proved why.

It was climate change, they say. In today’s Big Science circles, climate change is the default explanation for everything, just like demons were in the middle ages. The Cambridge geniuses exonerate humans for hunting mammoths to extinction, but this time, they can’t blame them for past global warming
Q: If the rapid climate change did not drive humans and elephants extinct, why was it selective for mammoths and certain other Pleistocene animals? By ignoring the thawing mammoth in the room, they are missing out on the most mysterious part of the story: the quick-freezing of the huge beasts such that the contents of their stomachs are often exceptionally preserved. 
The selectivity of the extinctions belies the climate change story. ---Wolves survive to this day, but saber-tooth tigers do not. Camels are doing well in Egypt, but not in southern California, where only their fossil bones are found. The alleged climate change scenario leaves many questions unanswered. Ignoring the mammoth questions in the room, the Prof goes into sermon mode:

Professor Willerslev said: This is a stark lesson from history and shows how unpredictable climate change is – once something is lost, there is no going back. Precipitation was the cause of the extinction of woolly mammoths through the changes to plants. The change happened so quickly [how? why?]that they could not adapt and evolve to survive.

Evolution is fast except when it is slow. Climate change is slow except when it is fast. These two subjects are so similar, they must have a common ancestor!" CEH