Saturday, November 13, 2021

Book of Daniel: History as Prophecy

"We can now appreciate more fully the meaning of the historical
portion of the book of
Daniel. is to give a living picture of the closing events of this world’s history, during the time when “Babylon the Great” is again the chief power in the earth, and...
Revelation 17:18 ...reigns over the kings of the earth.
Thus the earlier part of the book of Daniel is truly a
prophecy as well as a history, a history which is to be repeated...

Daniel 2:28 the latter days.
And inasmuch as we are now living in the last of the latter
days, in the very generation when this history is to be reenacted, this book in the fullness of its meaning ought to be known in all the earth, and the picture drawn by the Divine artist in the history of Babylon ought to be so clearly in the minds of all the people that its counterpart will be easily recognized
This is the true message of the Gospel of the kingdom, which...
Matthew 24:14 ...must be preached in all the world for a witness unto all
nations, and then shall the end come." W.W. Prescott