Thursday, October 28, 2021

The "Really" File - (Twix, Boy in a Dress & a Witch walk intio a Park...)

 ...inventors of evil things (like this Candy ad Targeting Children). Romans1:3

"An advertisement recently released by Mars, Inc. didn’t get
anywhere close to promoting its candy bar Twix, and instead created much confusion online.

In the ad, a young boy wearing a princess dress is greeted by his new nanny who is dressed like a witch.

Later on, while playing outside, a pair of neighborhood girls asked the boy why he’s “all dressed up” and told him it’s not Halloween


Coming to the boy’s defense, the nanny asked one of the young ladies, “Can I help you?”

The girl responded, “Are you a good witch or a bad witch?”

Do you want to find out?” the creepy nanny replied as intense music grew louder and the wind started to swirl which scared the children away.

From the "Really" File

Next, as the boy got into a car with the nanny, she told him he could keep wearing his princess dress if he wants to.

The pair arrived at a park where another boy said, “Hey princess! You look like a girl. Why are you wearing that?

The dress-wearing boy answered, “Dressing like this makes me feel good.” NW