Wednesday, October 13, 2021

IN the NEWS - When Ravening Wolves are Hungry

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Matthew 7:15 
 Ravening Definition
(of a ferocious wild animal) extremely hungry and hunting for prey.
"they turned on each other like ravening wolves"

"Televangelist Jim Bakker took the airwaves to claim that this really is the end of it, that he has less than a week to raise a million dollars in funds or else the network is going cancel his broadcast – a fund-raising endeavor unlikely to be achieved.

Bakker has long been struggling financially, particularly since last year when the credit card companies cut him off and reduced him to only taking checks to support his ever-dwindling ministry, the result of continued fallout and legal action after seeking to sell colloidal silver as a cure-all for the novel coronavirus in 2020.

A few months ago he was on air pleading with people to buy a $1000 miracle blanket, demonstrating that with this desperate new venture, his ministry is basically being held together by duct tape." Protestia