Friday, October 15, 2021

IN the NEWS - Those Back Side Asteroids?

And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. Luke 21:25,26
Q: Could it be---in the future---one of those Back Side Asteroids Reeks Havoc on the Earth?
"Multiple asteroids larger than pyramids head towards Earth
Each asteroid listed is estimated to exceed 140 meters in diameter, the minimum size needed to be considered a Potentially Hazardous Object. 

The first asteroid coming towards Earth, dubbed 2021 SM3 is set to fly past the Earth on October 15. 
But 2021 SM3 will be followed up just five days later by an even larger asteroid heading for Earth. Dubbed 1996 VB3 and is set to fly past the Earth on October 20. This asteroid is set to pass even closer to the planet though it is still not predicted to impact the planet. 
And just five days after that comes another massive asteroid.
This one, known as 2017 SJ20 will fly by on October 25.
But while that's it for October, further large asteroids are set to approach in November. 
The first of these comes on November 2. Dubbed 2017 TS3.
An even larger one is set to come on November 13...This massive asteroid is known as 2004 UE.
Just one week later, on November 20, another asteroid, dubbed 2016 JG12, is set to pass the Earth...This asteroid is not as huge as the previous one, but is considerably large.
Luckily, NASA has estimated that the Earth is at no risk of being impacted by an asteroid within the next 100 years, though this notably only applies to asteroids coming from the "front," meaning towards Earth and the Sun. 
Asteroids coming from the "back," towards Earth away from the Sun, are still notoriously difficult to detect. On September 16, asteroid 2021 SG, ranging between 42 meters and 94 meters in size, flew past the Earth, and scientists never even knew it existed, let alone flying past the planet, until the next day." JerusalemPost