Tuesday, October 12, 2021

IN the NEWS - Population Reduction Celebrated / Pushed by Green Religion

 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply.... 
Genesis 1:28
The Green Religion Reverses God's Order....there is plenty of room for growth of food to sustain life on this planet....this population reduction nonsense counter God's command and we know who ultimately is behind thwarting of God's order of things....hence we know the spirit that guides the Green Religion....and it isn't the Spirit of God...

"In a report from Population Matters entitled Smaller Families and Ageing Populations, Lord Adair Turner, the chairman of the UK

Energy Transitions Commission and former head of the FSA, argued that declining native populations will enhance prosperity.

But ceasing endless population growth will also reduce humanity’s future press on the natural environment, ease the challenge of adequate housing provision, and make it easier to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions while supporting prosperity growth in developing countries.” NW