Sunday, October 17, 2021

IN the NEWS - Green Religion Disciples Storm Federal Building

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel.... Galatians 1:6
"Dozens of tree-worshipping protestors, many of them obediently wearing their Fauci face diapers, capped off a five-day protest by
storming a Department of Interior building in Washington, D.C.,...a man who is clearly passionate about trees and water screams through a bullhorn as the group, which looks like a casting call for Antifa, tries to force their gluten-free bodies inside the Stewart Lee Udall Interior Building.

A group calling themselves “People Vs. Fossil Fuels” claim 55 “indigenous people” were arrested Officers were injured and at least one was hospitalized.
This group is against fossil fuels and is pro-tree. 
How do they heat their homes?" PJMedia