Tuesday, October 26, 2021

IN the NEWS - An Even Creepier side of Lucifer [Quest for man made Immortality]

 .... bury therefore thy dead. Genesis 23:15

"Transhumanism is a futuristic religion that exalts technology as the highest power.

Prominent figures gathered at the TransVision 2021 conference in Madrid over the weekend.

Transhumanists’ goal is to merge man with machine. 
If Big Tech is the established church, transhumanists are Desert Fathers in the wilderness.
Transhumanists confess there is no God but the future Computer God. They believe neuroprosthetics will allow communion with this artificial deity. They believe robot companions should be normalized. They believe longevity tech will confer approximate immortality.
By 2045 (or 2049), we will hit the Singularity — when artificial
superintelligence surpasses human intellect to the point we cannot comprehend its output. Purely organic humans will be left in the smart dust. Our only chance for long-term survival is to fuse our minds and bodies with the All-Powerful Machine — to become a new posthuman species.
As computers advance to superintelligence, the story goes, their output will tilt toward humanity’s moral compass. Eventually, this digital deity may colonize distant galaxies — turning all usable matter into computerized mind — so our actions today might determine the fate of the entire universe.
Both transhumanists and Luddites see 24/7 reliance on smartphones as an early phase of our symbiosis with machines. An entire generation is being lost to self-pleasure.
The futurists who gathered in Madrid last weekend — along
with those preaching technocracy at the World Economic Forum — are laying the intellectual groundwork for a fully digitized social order. Today, it’s the Fourth Industrial Revolution — a global paradigm of total transformation — embraced by Microsoft, Alibaba, Sony, General Motors, Mozilla, and Salesforce, among many others. Tomorrow, the faithful proclaim, it will be artificial superintelligence, brain implants, and unstoppable killer drones." JoeAllen