Friday, October 8, 2021

Creation Moment 10/9/2021 - Circadian Clocks

 And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Genesis 1:5
"A large number of organisms possess operational systems that vary in intensity in a rhythmic manner over a 24-hour period.

These circadian rhythms usually are entrained by light and are vital for the robust functioning of the organism. 
The regulatory systems responsible for rhythmic phenomena can be complex, especially in plants and animals. No transitional schemes can be constructed to explain the emergence of the more complex systems from the simpler ones found in bacteria on account of lack of homologous features conserved across the kingdoms
In laboratory experiments, considerable design input is needed to construct the simplest artificial biological clock; these do not run on a 24-hour cycle. The existence of circadian clocks, with fundamental common design elements, specified complexity, and functional coherence, argues for the existence of a designer." CMI