Saturday, October 30, 2021

Creation Moment 10/31/2021 - Calvin on Creation

For He spake, and it was done; 
He commanded, and it stood fast.
Psalm 33:9
"Calvin asserts a strictly creative act by the Triune God, by which all things outside Himself, ‘not only the visible world, but also the invisible spirits’, were brought into being out of nothing. ‘
--The world is not eternal,’ he claims against the Manichaean dualists, ‘but was created by God.’ 
--In opposition to Deism, he states that ‘God created the world at once, in such a manner as to be its perpetual Governor.’
--The Pantheistic notion that God is the ‘soul the world’ he dismisses as ‘utterly vain and worthless.’
Both from Moses’ use of the word ‘bara’ rather than ‘yatsar’, and from the strict meaning of the verb ‘to create’, Calvin deduces that ‘the world was made out of nothing,’ for ‘creation is . . the origination of essence out of nothing.’" multiscreen