Thursday, October 14, 2021

Creation Moment 10/15/2021 - Even EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGIST Not Woke Enough for Woke

 .....male and female created he them. Genesis 1:27
"Facebook owned Instagram has censored Evolutionary biologist, Colin Wright after he posted a chart that proves men are biologically stronger than women in a range of sports.

Instagram removed Wright’s post which contained a chart from a scientific study titled Transgender Women in the Female Category of Sport: Perspectives on Testosterone Suppression and Performance Advantage.

The peer-reviewed study was published in the journal Medicine & Sports, which has been in wide circulation since 1969. 

The study by researchers at the University of Manchester in the UK and Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm found that biological males categorically have performance advantages over biological females across sports that are contested in the Olympics.

The study, one of several to conclude the same thing, found that the use of typical testosterone suppression methods doesn’t diminish the performance advantage that exists between biological men and women by a significant amount.

The study, which was published before the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, also found that even after three years of hormone therapy, transgender women on average still retain strength advantages over biological women.

However, as far as big tech is concerned, science is now hate speech." SummitNews