Friday, October 1, 2021

Creation Moment 10/1/2021 - Neandertals Head-dress Tells Us.....

And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth,... Acts 17:26

"Biblical creationists have long held that the Neandertals were just one more group of humans. They were post-Flood, post-Babel descendants of Adam, expressing the genetic variation possible within the human kind, as people do today
Now there is also evidence that suggests that these people hunted
birds for their decorative feathers, such as adorned the head-dresses of some native American tribes. A team headed by a paleontologist from the Gibraltar Museum analyzed the remains of some 1,700 Pleistocene (‘Ice Age’) sites across Eurasia and North Africa. They found that Neandertal remains were strongly associated (and more so than non-Neandertal human remains) with the remains of raptors (eagles, etc.) and corvids (crows and the like).
People today don’t eat these types of birds, and in any case there were never any of the usual signs of butchery for meat on these bird bones; the only cut marks were on the wings, where there is not much meat. This suggests Neandertals hunted them not for food, but for their generally dark, resplendent flight feathers, i.e. for decorative also baffles the evolutionary notion that these were some sort of dull-witted people with only basic survival instincts. As one researcher said: “A purely utilitarian kind of person does not put on a feathered head-dress.CMI