Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Coal Beds Tell Us.....

And the waters prevailed, and were increased greatly upon the earth... Genesis 7:18

"Evidence for the final receding phase of the global Flood involves the presence of huge Cenozoic coal beds formed from mostly angiosperm (flowering) plants. 
Coal beds are formed by enormous amounts 
of plant material being ripped up, 
transported en masse, 
and then buried rapidly 
before the material has a chance to decay—exactly the type of catastrophic processes that occurred in the global Flood. 
Compared to the Carboniferous coal beds formed earlier in the Flood that contained tropical coastal vegetation, the larger Cenozoic coal
were formed from plants and trees growing at higher elevations in the pre-Flood world. 
Like the many other Cenozoic fossils, these coal beds had a propensity to form in large sedimentary basins that formed late in the Flood year where the plant material would have been easily trapped and buried." ICR