Saturday, September 11, 2021

Wabash Obituary Lesson: Travailing in PAIN of the Creation [1899]

The Pain, Mental Anguish and Mental Illness that Plagued this Farmhouse of Wabash Indiana in the 1890's....For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together... Romans 8:22

"OBITUARY - Plain Dealer, Wabash (IN) - December 9, 1899.

Late this afternoon the lifeless body of David Utz, a well to do farmer, living abt. 5 miles north of Wabash, was found suspended from a rafter in his barn

Several months ago Utz's wife was adjudged insane, and was locked up in the jail until there was a room for her in the Long Cliff Asylum, at Logansport, since which time he has acted strangely."