Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The Intensity of that Conflict

 "It is written.... It is written again.... For it is written. Matthew 4:4-10.

Some who in times past have been honored of God, have become ensnared by the deceptions of the enemy

They have been warned of their danger, but in refusing to hear the

warnings sent them, they have become more and more deceived, until finally they are found fighting against the Lord and against His workers.

In meeting the enemy in the wilderness, Christ's response to his wicked insinuations was, “It is written.” 

When Satan presumed to claim the ownership of the whole world, and asked Christ to worship him as God, He who with a word might have called to His assistance legions of angels, merely said, “Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve” (Matthew 4:10). 

The intensity of this conflict  
we but partly understand

It seemed as though the Savior would die on the field of battle, but He withstood the wily foe. His words so carefully chosen, were as sharp as a two-edged sword. Satan was thoroughly repulsed. He realized that the Prince of Life could not be deceived by any sophistry.

We are now upon the field of conflict....

Let the Word of God be our study....

To as many as believe in Him, Christ gives power to become the sons of God." E.G.W.