Tuesday, September 21, 2021


For the vile person will speak villany, and his heart will work iniquity, to practice hypocrisy... Isaiah 32:6
"The Vatican will prohibit persons without a COVID-19 digital
from entering its sovereign territories starting Oct. 1, the Holy See Press Office announced Monday.
The digital certificate or "Green Pass" requires the individual 
--to be double vaccinated, 
--have undergone a PCR or rapid antigen test with negative results in the last 48 hours, 
--or possess a medical certificate proving recovery from SARS-CoV-2.
The provisions of the ordinance apply to citizens, residents and personnel employed by the world's smallest country, to members of the Roman Curia and institutions connected to it, as well as to all visitors and users of Vatican services.
No exemptions will be granted for conscientious objectors to the
abortion-tainted vaccine, but exceptions will be made only for those participating in "liturgical celebrations for the time strictly necessary for the performance of the rite." 
However, sources at the current papal residence told Church Militant several residents are not vaccinated and continue to live in close proximity with Pope Francis and even dine together in the same refectory." CM