Saturday, September 11, 2021

On the Streets of Babylon: Current Porn Stars Spotted Preaching from the Pulpit on the Streets

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,..
Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seems to be "Active Porn Stars" spotted behind the pulpits on the Streets of Babylon...
"Living Faith Church in San Diego seems like a normal church. There’s only one problem: Now, they are announcing that they are coming out in a big way, having completed their “Beta” for the last few months and launching it officially to all members of the public, using the fact that she is a porn star as a hook to get potential
congregants interested, promoting them to “peek behind the curtain” of their plant.
Their YouTube channel, which features their church services, bible studies, and inspirational messages, also features videos of their pastrix visiting “Exxxotica Chicago 2021 Adult Entertainment expo.  Angela Dela Cruz’s operates under a stage name,...., as she regularly posts nude photos and videos of herself, doing everything that a porn star would do in order to get attention and money." Protestia