Sunday, September 19, 2021

Maryville, MO Obituary: Did he know 4 weeks before? [1877]

Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow
For what is your life? 
It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, 
and then vanisheth away. James 4:14

Did 28 year old John know 4 weeks before that fateful Thursday morning when his probation closed--that he only had 4 weeks left?..or on that Tuesday as a glimmer of hope shimmered that by Thursday it would be all over?...think about the SERIOUS LESSONS for contemplation that can be gleaned from old obituaries....

Mr. John Hartsell, nephew of Solomon Hartsell, of Barnard, died on last Thursday morning of typhoid fever.  

Mr. Hartsell was an estimable young man 28 years of age and came here from Wabash, Indiana, about four weeks ago 

He was taken ill shortly after his arrival and complained nearly two weeks before a physician was called.  Everything possible to alleviate his sufferings was done by Dr. A.B. Allen, but without avail.  A slight improvement manifested itself on Tuesday, but on Wednesday he was taken worse again and died on Thursday at 11:30 a.m.  

His widowed mother arrived at Barnard on last Sunday evening and in her bereavement has the sympathy of all.  He was buried on last Saturday, the funeral service being conducted by Rev. Moorhead of the Methodist church.
Source: Nodaway Democrat, Maryville, Nodaway County MO., Thursday, Nov. 15,1877 -  transcribed by Melody Beery"