Thursday, September 16, 2021

IN the NEWS - Jesuit YOGA for COVID Stress there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies... 2 Peter 2:1

"The Society of Jesus, blasted for vaccine coercion after passing draconian decrees to punish unvaccinated Jesuits by exclusion, is promoting "Ignatian yoga" to fight the China virus

An official list of Jesuit colleges and universities mandating the COVID-19 jab for students, faculty and staff is recommending Ignatian yoga and providing a collection of 40 videos to facilitate the practice, which is inextricably rooted in Hinduism.  

Jesuits are defending their hijacking of the ancient Hindu practice despite accusations of "cultural appropriation" from Hindu yogis and religious leaders who are slamming Christians for "plagiarizing and mutilating yoga to suit the Christian agenda."

Jesuit outfits like the Ignatian Volunteer Corps, schools, societies, institutions like Fordham University, the Jesuit General Curia Communications Office and the Society of Jesus' left-wing magazine America are also promoting Ignatian yoga to "combat anxiety" related to COVID-19.  

The Ignatian video collection endorses Hindu practices including the "Surya Namaskar" or the "Salutation to the Sun" which involves 12 asanas (yogic positions) dedicated to the solar deity Surya with Hindu mantras (chants), each preceded by the Hindu primeval sound "Om." ChurchMilitant