Thursday, September 9, 2021

IN the NEWS - Dante

If the world hate you, 
ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
John 15:18

"Last week, a young evangelist was killed in eastern Uganda by Muslim extremists who boarded a boat in which the young man was fishing, according to Morning Star News. On August 31, 19-year-old Dante Tambika, also known as Patrick, was beaten and strangled to death near Nankodo 3 village, Nankodo sub-county, after he and his friends went fishing in Lake Lemwa, said Stephen Mukama, a survivor of the attack.


Five Muslim teenagers followed Dante, Mukama and two other friends as they walked to the lake, Mukama said.

“They tried to provoke us by calling us infidels and saying that they were going to crush us just like Allah did to those who used to attack their prophet, Muhammad,” Mukama said.

They did not respond but continued to the lake and started fishing from the boat around 6:30 PM. When they returned to shore about two hours later, they saw the teenagers whom Dante and his friends knew, and one of them  shouted the jihadist slogan, “Allah Akbar [Allah is greater],” Mukama said.

“From nowhere we saw six other Muslims approaching our fishing boat, furious and uttering defaming words against us,” he told Morning Star News.

“I told my friends that we were in trouble and that each of us should prepare for self-defense. I led them in prayers.”

According to Mukama, one of the jihadists, who the Christians did not recognize, got on the boat and started hitting Dante on the back with his fist and a stick.

“He commanded us to believe in Allah, or else they will kill us,” he told Morning Star News. Dante replied that we can’t renounce Christianity, saying, ‘If you want to kill us, kill us, know that we are ready.’”

Christians and local residents found Dante’s body the next day in the water, near the shore. He had been beaten on the head, tied with a rope and strangled, Mukama said." Bibliatodo