Saturday, September 4, 2021

IN the NEWS - Ankle Bracelets, Rec Time & Solitary Confinement: Welcome to 21st Century Democracy [Don't Forget - Send in the Drones ]

Here are some more TOOLS & MECHANISMS, in the name of COVID, that could be used in tracking people during the Mark of the Beast Controversy in the near future.....this GLOBAL OVER REACTION is getting out of hand---it is a kind of weirdness that makes one wonder if the whole point of the unleashing of this on the planet--obviously guided by the hand of the Prince of Persia (Lucifer) is for the sole purpose of laying the Groundwork for it.Especially IF they switch this stuff to "Climate Lockdowns" on say---hmmm...Sundays? And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. Revelation 13:14

Here is a Link to a Recent Post from out of Australia of Possible TOOLS & MECHANISMS

Now compare the story in the Link above with the one below:
You basically have a western democracy turned into a literal prison---with the vaxed getting an hour in the rec yard---the unvaxed basically in solitary confinement at home and the app to notify the government of your whereabouts as an ankle bracelet....unbelievable....and don't forget--some are sending in the Drones too....

"In a chilling development, Australians in New South Wales, which includes the city of Sydney, are to be granted extra “freedom” if they are fully vaccinated, with residents allowed to “leave home for an hour of recreation on top of their exercise hour.

9 News in Australia reports that “Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the vaccination milestone of six million reached this week would allow for a small renewal in freedoms for residents with the jab.”

The report add that “From September 13, households living in the NSW government’s LGAs of concern will be allowed to spend an additional hour of recreation outdoors, as long as all adults in the household are fully vaccinated.”

It clarifies, “This is on top of the already-permitted hour of exercise, meaning households will be able to visit a park.” SummitNews