Thursday, September 2, 2021

Creation Moment 9/3/2021 - Aussie Makes Creation Garden

"Everard Noack’s unique public declaration of faith.....Everard is not afraid to challenge the entrenched beliefs of his visitors on such

things as evolution’s millions of years, and the prevailing view that fossils spell long ages. A major feature of the ‘tour’ on his 0.3 hectare (¾ acre) property is a visit to a small bunker labelled the ‘Catastrophe Room’.  But inside the bunker is a display which majors on another, far greater catastrophe. In fact, a planetary-scale one—the global Flood of Noah. 

Everard knows, however, that the evidence is all around us: “Every

fossil speaks volumes. And every time you see a road cutting and the strata in it, there is evidence of massive watery action. If I can just open a few people’s eyes in this way, it will have been worth the effort.”

 Everard ....a 3-tonne layered sedimentary rock he uses to teach visitors some of the facts of Flood geology. The covered sign in the background is Psalm 18:2: “My God is my rock in whom I take refuge”." CMI