Sunday, September 19, 2021

Creation Moment 9/20/2021 - When "perhaps" & "if" Dominate Evolutionary Cosmology

For God is not the author of confusion... 1 Corinthians 14:33

"Last year, XENON1T, the world's most sensitive dark matter detector, seemed to deliver a hit. Not of dark matter, but something else. 

Perhaps neutrinos, perhaps solar axions, perhaps radioactive pollution in the detector.
Now a different team of physicists has come up with a different answer. The signal could be consistent not with dark matter, but dark energy, they say. If this is indeed what caused the spike in XENON1T's detections, it represents an important milestone in the search for this mysterious force.
Dark energy, like dark matter, is unknown to us." ScienceAlert
Scientists have discovered a treasure trove of over 100 new worlds outside the solar system using data from NASA's Kepler spacecraft, some of which have the possibility of hosting life.

Scientists have discovered a treasure trove of over 100 new worlds outside the solar system using data from NASA's Kepler spacecraft, some of which have the possibility of hosting life.

Out of 197 initial planet candidates, scientists have confirmed 104 planets outside our solar system. Among the confirmed is a planetary system comprising four promising planets that could be rocky.