Sunday, September 12, 2021

Creation Moment 9/13/2021 - How Long To Read The Names Slaughtered in the Name of Darwinism?

Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good.
3 John 1:11 

"World Net Daily reported that the body count from Mao’s reign of terror in China has been revised upward to 77 million by R. J. Rummel, a Nobel Peace Prize winning political scientist.
This augments Mao’s Guinness reputation as the worst mass murderer in history
His intentional killings, including policies that intentionally starved
tens of millions of Chinese people, exceeded those of Hitler and Stalin. Deaths attributed to Mao’s democide (death by government) amount to over twice the total combat deaths in all wars between 1900 to 1987, including World Wars I and II.  Of 174 million killed in 20th-century incidents of democide, 148 million fell victim to Marxist regimes – four times the deaths by combat, estimated at 34.1 million.
Rummel, who has chronicled 20th century democides, said, “I’m now convinced that Stalin exceeded Hitler in monstrous evil, and Mao beat out Stalin.”  
All three dictators were committed to scientific materialism congruent with the Darwinian principles of struggle for existence and survival of the fittest
Mao listed two of his favorite authors as Darwin and Huxley. In a
quote attributed to the Chinese communist leader on Coral Ridge Ministries, Chairman Mao said, Chinese socialism is founded upon Darwin and the theory of evolution.” 
Stalin became an atheist after reading Darwin, and Hitler based Mein Kampf on Darwinian principles of struggle and fitness. 
Such ideas had become very popular among leading German thinkers in the decades after Darwin’s Origin, as documented in historian Richard Weikart’s book, From Darwin to Hitler (Palgrave Macmillan, 2004). 
Visualize how long it would take to read the names of 77 million people. At one every five seconds, day and night, it would take over 12 years just to read their names, without even knowing who they were or the nature of their hopes and dreams – dreams that were strangled in prison, brutal work camps, torture or policy-induced famines. Add another 12 years for those killed under all the other communist leaders, and 3 years 4 months for Nazi deaths – a total of almost 28 years of reading name, after name, after name, day and night. 
This is a stern reminder why the debate over creation vs. evolution matters. 
Ideas have consequences." CEH