Friday, September 10, 2021

Creation Moment 9/11/2021 - Sending Message to God via Polling

But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us. Luke 19:14

"A recent poll claims that “The level of public acceptance of evolution in the United States is now solidly above the halfway mark.” According to a national public opinion survey, “From 1985 to 2010, there was a statistical dead heat between acceptance and rejection of evolution  … But acceptance then surged, becoming the majority position in 2016.”

The survey asked U.S. adults if they agreed or disagreed with the following statement: “Human beings, as we know them today, developed from earlier species of animals.” Americans were evenly divided on this question from 1985 to 2007. The authors call the high level of the “public acceptance of evolution in the United States … a long-standing problem.

The Miller et al. study identified several factors that influenced the increased acceptance of evolution. Two of the strongest factors leading to evolution acceptance was taking college courses in science and earning a college degree. The higher acceptance of evolution by the public documents the fact that both science publications and science classes effectively indoctrinate America’s youth into the Darwinian worldview during their academic sojourn at institutes of ‘higher learning.’

In secular science publishing, it is very rare to even imply that God might exist because doing so often results in major career repercussions. One of the most recent examples was in an article that made the mistake of using the words “intelligent design.” ...the authors indicated intelligence was behind life. The outcry against this admission was so great that the editors were compelled to add the following disclaimer to the “offending” article:

The Journal of Theoretical Biology and its co-Chief Editors do not endorse in any way the ideology of nor reasoning behind the concept of intelligent design. Since the publication of the paper it has now become evident that the authors are connected to a creationist group (although their addresses are given on the paper as departments in bona fide universities). We were unaware of this fact while the paper was being reviewed. …  We believe that intelligent design is not in any way a suitable topic for the Journal.

The authors of the controversial article, Horvaldsen and Hössjer, were not “connected to a creationists group” but were intelligent-design supporters, quite a difference. Furthermore, the reasoning behind the concept of intelligent design is very logical and based on empirical, testable science published by Cambridge University Press. Even leading atheist Richard Dawkins acknowledges this fact, writing: 

 “Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose… the living results of natural selection overwhelmingly impress us with … design and planning.” Thus, the fact of design is obvious. The only question is the source of the design which in the reference quoted above he calls an “illusion.” CEH