Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Puritan Corner - No Sunset or No Sunrise?

 "Eternity to the godly is a day that has no sunset; eternity to the
wicked is a night that has no sunrise."
by Thomas Watson (1620-1686) 
Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power,...And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

The Independent Ministry of Satan

 "The reason there is a judgment is because God is not running a

hierarchical dictatorship. He has made the beings of heaven His fellow workers, and in order for them to be a practical part of the process, they need a judgment. They do not have all knowledge like God has. They must keep records and review them. He is willing to expend the extra effort and energy in order to work with His angels rather than apart from them.

So heaven is built on the principle of cooperation and unity, and thus it had always been throughout all the ceaseless ages of eternity, until one arose to begin his own independent ministry and organization. This was sinful independence for it sought to work apart from God and His plans and organization. 

 The first great temptation of man was to be independent. The Bible says, “And the serpent said to the woman, ‘You will not surely die. For God does know that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil’ (Genesis 3: 4, 5). Thus the serpent tempted Eve with the thought that she would be unwise enough to act independently, knowing good and evil herself, without having to depend upon God for guidance. Multitudes still cling to this lie. Thus this earth became a part of the independent ministry of Satan, which made things rather confusing on planet earth.

The spirit of humble submissiveness will be exemplified in the life and character of the 144,000. The Bible describes them as “the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes” (Revelation 14: 4). There is no spirit of independence here." StepsToLife

IN the NEWS - Man Made "Zombie Apocalypse"?

I am forgotten as a dead man out of mind: 
I am like a broken vessel.
Psalm 33:12 

"Shock and concern are caused by the images that show men and women staggering on the streets of Kensington, in the United States, due to excessive drug use.

Dozens of consumers and addicts walk the streets of a well-known Philadelphia neighborhood in terrible physical and mental condition  due to the large amount of opioids they consume.
This is the Kensington neighborhood, which in 2017 was listed by the BBC as the “Outdoor Drug Camp”, where drugs such as fentanyl and heroin are quite popular.
Local authorities have been questioned for their lack of action amid the terrible situation, but they only say the situation is out of their control.
As they point out, people can buy drugs anywhere in the town, since most of the residents, if not addicts, are clandestine sellers. 
“We not only have people from other parts of the state, we have people from other parts of the country who come here to buy drugs. Unfortunately, a heroin tourism industry has been sparked, ” according to Patrick Trainor, special agent for the US Drug Enforcement Administration.
Alejo Schapire, a journalist for Radio France International, also
shared on his Twitter account a video of a similar area in his country, registered in Paris.
It is the Stalingrad station, which is called “StalinCrack”, for narcotics issues, coming to be compared to Kensington, but as a European version." Bibliatodo

Creation Moment 9/30/2021 - Saturn Ring/Moon System

 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God... Hebrews 11:3

"A recent article in Sky & Telescope magazine explains why secular theorists have difficulty agreeing on the ages of Saturn’s moons. In the process, the article provides a reminder that Saturn’s rings are young. It also presents possible evidence that some of Saturn’s moons are also young. Most important, it highlights the fact that (incorrect) secular origins stories spanning alleged histories of billions of years are almost certain to contradict themselves.
The article begins by briefly describing two main arguments for Saturn’s rings being young: the cleanness and brightness of the rings, as well as the fact that the rings are being destroyed fairly quickly. 

However, as noted by David Coppedge, a former systems administrator at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and a team leader on the Cassini spacecraft mission to Saturn, secular scientists are generally uncomfortable with young rings for Saturn, as young rings are apparently harder for them to explain. This “general sense of discomfort” is acknowledged in the Sky & Telescope article. If the rings are indeed young, theorists would likely try to explain it as the result of a collision, despite this being an unlikely event:

Yet the precipitating event [for the recent formation of Saturn’s rings]—a moon-sized collision—would have been so rare that many scientists remain uneasy with the idea of young rings. Even those in favor of a past collision acknowledge this, such as [astrophysicist] John Dubinsky (then at University of Toronto), who qualified such an event in a 2019 study as “perhaps unlikely, but not wildly so.

Because secular theorists link the formation of Saturn’s rings to the formation or destruction of its moons, questions about the age of the rings tie in to questions about the ages of the moons. The article notes that one of Saturn’s mid-sized moons, Rhea, is receding away from Saturn ten times faster than previously thought. Likewise, Titan was found to have been receding from Saturn a hundred times faster than previously thought.

However, even if these moons would not have been destroyed, high recession rates still pose potential problems to secular theorists. For instance, secular attempts to explain Titan’s origin have traditionally placed the primordial moon very close to its current location. A high recession rate for Titan calls such origin stories into question:

Most prior work had predicted that moons like Titan, or Jupiter’s moon Callisto, were formed at an orbital distance similar to where we see them now [emphasis mine]… This implies that the Saturnian moon system, and potentially its rings, have formed and evolved much more dynamically than previously believed.

Moreover, effects called tidal interactions should theoretically have caused the moons Tethys and Dione to have entered a state called “stable resonance” about 100 million years ago, in which Dione orbits Saturn three times for every two orbits of Tethys. This would have also caused greater tilts in their rotation axes. Yet these effects have not been observed.

Tidal effects should theoretically make noticeable changes in planet-moon systems over very long timescales. For instance, the fact that our moon experiences ‘synchronous rotation,’ with one side always facing the Earth, can be seen as a problem for recent creation, if one assumes that the moon did not start out in such a state. However, in this case, tidal interactions among Saturn and its moons are causing problems for the old-universe view!

If the 4.6-billion-year-long secular history for the solar system is fictitious, as creationists argue, then one would expect, as our knowledge of the solar system increases, more and more internal contradictions in the secular story to come to light. This is especially true for dynamic, moving systems, like Saturn and its more than fifty moons. Astronomer Matija Ćuk, who favors relatively young ages for Saturn’s moons, made an excellent point when he said, “Every time you add motion to the system, it makes old moons harder to have. That Saturn’s moving moons present difficulties for the secular “billions of years” story should not surprise anyone, since the Lord actually made Saturn and its moons just a few thousand years ago."

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Heart Garden

"In Scripture, the Lord compares your heart to a garden (Therefore they shall come and sing in the height of Zion, and shall flow together to the goodness of the LORD, for wheat, and for wine, and for oil, and for the young of the flock and of the herd: and their soul shall be as a watered garden; and they shall not sorrow any more at all. Jer. 31:12). 
In one parable, Jesus says your heart is like soil; if you plant the right
seeds, you will bring forth good fruit-some thirty, some sixty, and some a hundredfold (Matt. 13:23). Different people will produce different levels of fruit in their lives.

The seed is always the same—it is the Word—but the condition of your heart determines how much you produce. 

Your goal should be for the garden of your heart to be so healthy that it can grow more fruit. It should produce good results so your lifestyle improves and brings glory to God.

We are to guard our hearts from old thoughts, feelings, and behaviors we know have been a problem. Proverbs 4:23 says, "Keep [or guard] your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life." 
Protect your heart from the temptation to fall back into your old nature. Uprooting that which God did not plant is critical to protecting the garden of your heart and maintaining a healthy heart." cFaith

Papal Notes - uh oh....

These (kings) have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.” Revelation 17:13
"Monday, September 27, 2021, Pope Francis addressed the
participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life and called on them to support international initiatives that create global governance against the risk of new epidemics. The Pope spoke about the “serious issues that have emerged in the past two years” due to the “Covid-19 pandemic” and pointed to his encyclical, Laudato Si, to highlight the problems afflicting society:

“The theme you have chosen for these days of work is

particularly topical: that of public health on the horizon of globalization. In fact, the pandemic crisis has made “both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor” resound even more strongly (Laudato Si’ #49). We cannot be deaf to this double cry, we must listen to it well!”

“The pandemic crisis has highlighted how profound is the ‘interdependence‘ (Laudato Si’ #84) both between us and between the human family and the ‘common home‘ (Laudato Si’ #164) Our societies, especially in the West, have tended to forget this interconnectedness.” 

Q: So what is Pope Francis’ solution? 
A: He wants to create a global framework that will have authority over “all the inhabitants of the planet.”

Creation Moment 9/29/2021 - Let's give a big AMEN!

"One of the more troubling aspects of the contemporary debate over
evolution is the largely unargued presumption that critics of evolution must be motivated by religion, whereas defenders of evolution are supposedly the disinterested pursuers of truth. Yet evolutionary biologists are human beings just like everyone else, which means that they are subject to the same influences of passion, pride, and even prejudice. If scientists start to dismiss their colleague's work based solely on motivation... not much would be left of science."
 John West, Darwin Day in America, p. 244
  And all the people said, Amen.... 1 Chronicles 16:36

Monday, September 27, 2021

Light My Candle

For thou wilt light my candle: the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness.
Psalm 18:28

"It may be that my soul sits in darkness; and if this be of a spiritual kind, no human power can bring me light. 

Blessed be God! He can enlighten my darkness and at once light my candle.

The mercy is that if He lights the candle none can blow it out, neither will it go out for lack of substance, nor burn out of itself through the lapse of hours. The lights which the Lord kindled in the beginning are shining still. The Lord's lamps may need trimming, but He does not put them out.

Let me, then, like the nightingale sing in the dark. 

Expectation shall furnish me with music,and hope shall pitch the tune. Soon I shall rejoice in a candle of God's lighting. I am dull and dreary just now. 

 I shall soon have the candles of the Lord shining about me; and, further on in His own good time, I shall be where they need no candle, neither light of the sun." Charles Spurgeon

IN the NEWS - This is what the World Celebrates.....

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God.... Romans 8:7
"Two Green politicians have made history by becoming the
first transgender women to win seats in the Bundestag, the German parliament.

Tessa Ganserer and Nyke Slawik stood for the "Grünen" party, which came third in the election and is set to play a pivotal role in the building of a new three-way coalition government.

"It is a historic victory for the Greens, but also for the trans-emancipatory movement and for the entire queer community," Ganserer, 44, told Reuters," France24

Creation Moment 9/28/2021 - Atheist says......

For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. 
Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.  
Romans 1:20 NLT

"No viable account, even a purely speculative one, seems to be
available of how a system as staggeringly functionally complex and information-rich as a self-reproducing cell, controlled by DNA, RNA, or some predecessor could have arisen by chemical evolution alone from a dead environment."
Atheist Thomas Nagel, Mind & Cosmos

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Scripture on "the majority"

"Let us see what the Scripture has to say about the belief of the majority.
Christ says,
Matthew 7:13 
Enter in at the strait gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is
the way, that leads to destruction, and many there be which
go in thereat;14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads unto life, and few there be that find it.

Wherever, therefore, the great majority are found, there we may know it is the way of death." E.J. Waggoner

IN the NEWS - When your Mass Murder Plot adds a "Cruel Touch"

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. John 8:44
"If one of those fabled white supremacist terrorists that Biden’s
handlers keep telling us are the biggest terror threat in America today had been caught plotting to bomb a mosque, you can bet you would have heard about it. 
But the news Thursday that a Muslim named Mustafa Mousab Alowemer pleaded guilty to a jihad plot to bomb a Pittsburgh church, the Legacy International Worship Center, got little notice. That’s no surprise: the story doesn’t fit the narrative of either Biden’s handlers or the establishment media, which is that there is no significant jihad terror threat, and a much bigger problem is the “Islamophobia” of Trump’s bloodthirsty MAGA legions. Back in the real world, the guilty plea is a small reminder of what the real threat really is.
 .....amid the chaos at the Southern border and just after the catastrophe in Afghanistan: Alowemer, 23, came to the United States from Syria as a refugee when he was 18
Yet he doesn’t exactly fit the image of a grateful refugee, eager to become a part of our glorious multicultural mosaic. He told investigators, according to the criminal complaint against him, that “his motivation to detonate a device at the Church was to support the cause of ISIS and to inspire other ISIS sympathizers in the United States to join together and commit similar acts in the name of ISIS.” He added that he “also targeted the Church, which he described as Christian and Nigerian, in order to ‘take revenge for our [ISIS] brothers in Nigeria.’”
The young jihadi wanted to maximize the casualty count. The Associated Press reported that Alowemer had “detailed plans” to bomb the church, including a particularly cruel touch: “Federal prosecutors said at the plea hearing that he talked about potentially planting a second explosive device, timing the detonation to coincide with when first responders would begin to arrive.
The criminal complaint also inadvertently reveals the cluelessness of the FBI regarding the beliefs, motives, and goals of Islamic jihadists. It states:

In or around April 2018, the FBI identified a social networking account with display name “Mustafa Alowemer

as likely belonging to Alowemer. Notably, the “Intro” section of the social networking account included a phrase in Arabic text that an FBI linguist translated as “hoping to Allah that he dies in a way that does not require the traditional funeral cleansing and burial rituals.” This same FBI linguist interpreted this statement to mean that Alowemer wanted to die by being blown up, which would render traditional Islamic funeral rituals unnecessary or impossible.

Well, yes, but the FBI linguist seems to have omitted the key point: In a tradition, Muhammad ordered that the bodies of the martyrs are not to be washed, as the blood and gore with which they may be covered is attractive to the virgins of paradise. Alowemer didn’t necessarily have to be blown up, but simply to die in the process of killing infidels, as the Qur’an promises paradise to those who “kill and are killed” for Allah (9:111). If Alowemer had succeeded in mounting his attack and the FBI was there expecting him to try to blow himself up, they could have been completely wrongfooted.

Alowemer was forthright in this social media account about his

desire to wage jihad. He wrote: “Indeed, I ask Allah to relief [sic] us and grant us Nafir,” that is, the ability to answer the call to wage jihad. He considered doing so outside the country, at one point asking: “If I want to do Nafir to Turkey and then to Syria or Iraq, do you know someone who can help me?” But ultimately he decided to stage his jihad right in the country that had welcomed him and showered benefits upon him to enable him to start a new life far from a war zone.

Now that Alowemer has pleaded guilty, will investigators go on to other cases, or will they try to determine where Mustafa Mousab Alowemer learned his understanding of Islam? Where did he get the idea that it would be a good idea to pledge allegiance to the Islamic State? Has his mosque been investigated? Why not?" PJMedia

IN the NEWS - Just a Little Taste of what is to come?

 A Look at the future of what may come in the future? Natural Disasters that grip the earth....And great earthquakes shall be in divers places,.... and fearful sights... Luke 21:11
"From the Headline -

"Take Cover" - Acid Rain From Canary Islands Volcano To Reach Europe

Acid rain caused by sulfur dioxide gas spewing from the volcano in

Spain's Canary Islands of La Palma will reach Europe this weekend. 

Lava flows from the Cumbre Vieja volcano is releasing thousands of tons of sulfur dioxide gas into the atmosphere, and mixing with clouds will fall downwind towards France and the Mediterranean basin.

The volcanic eruption emits between 7,997 and 10,665 tons of sulfur dioxide per day and may last between one and three months. Areas downwind are at risk of acid rain, posing health issues for humans and animals by aggravating pre-existing respiratory illnesses. There's also the risk it may damage crops and contaminate drinking water. 

The latest activity of Cumbre Vieja this week was a new fissure that emerged on Monday and produced additional lava flows that resulted in 500 islanders evacuating." ZeroHedge

And of course let's not forget all these storms.....many more and worse

than this latest one...the sea and the waves roaring... Luke 21:25

 "India Meteorological Department (IMD) informed that a cyclonic storm, named Gulab, is likely to make landfall on Sunday evening in the coastal regions of southern Odisha and northern Andhra Pradesh...." HindustanTimes

IN the NEWS - Politicians Bearing False Witness = Destroyed Lives

Neither shalt thou bear false witness.... Deuteronomy 5:20
When POLITICIANS Bear False Witness in the Public Arena for some sort of perceived Political Angle ... people's live can be ruined or jobs endangered....
1) Biden, as President, surely knew by the time he reached the podium the truth---so WHY DID HE KNOWINGLY BEAR FALSE WITNESS AGAINST THE BORDER AGENSTS?
2) Where was his same resolve of righteous indignation when the Taliban were running off Afghan Police at our bases where BILLIONS of dollars of our military hardware was left behind.... taken by the Taliban and some of it now passed off to Iran?
3) Where is his moral outrage----at Afghan Refugees who we were nice enough to transfer into our country---gang assaulting a female soldier on American Soil?
"Las Cruces-based photographer Paul Ratje - who told KTSM it never happened.

"Some of the Haitian men started running, trying to go around the horses," he said, adding "I’ve never seen them whip anyone."

"He was swinging it, but it can be misconstrued when you’re looking at the picture."

The photos went viral on Monday, after a senior adviser to Julian

Castro tweeted: "Border patrol is mounted on horseback rounding up Haitian refugees with whips," adding "This is unfathomable cruelty towards people fleeing disaster and political ruin. The administration must stop this."

Biden slammed Border Patrol agents filmed on horseback attempting to stop migrants from crossing the Rio Grande into Texas, saying they would “pay” for their actions. “It was horrible to see what you saw, to see people treated like they did—horses barely running them over people being strapped,” Biden said at a press conference at the White House on Friday. “It’s outrageous. I promise you those people will pay.” Biden added, “There will be consequences. It’s an embarrassment. But beyond an embarrassment is dangerous, it’s wrong."
Multiple outlets reported that Border Patrol agents used whips to corral Haitian migrants attempting to cross into Texas. White House press secretary Jen Psaki said on Wednesday that officers involved in the Sunday incident “were placed on administrative leave and will not be interacting with any migrants.” 
However, the agents did not whip any migrants. Photos and video of the incident show the agents wielding long reins and twirling them in the air. The photographer who took some of the pictures that caused outrage on social media told KTSM, an El Paso NBC affiliate, that he did not see any agents whip migrants.Some of the Haitian men started running, trying to go around the horses,” photographer Paul Ratje said. “I didn’t ever see them whip anybody” with the reins, Ratje added." ZeroHedge/NationalReview
"Officials with Fort Bliss said a female soldier was assaulted by a group of Afghan refugees who are being housed at the Doña Ana
Complex in New Mexico.

The female soldier was allegedly assaulted on September 19.

Fort Bliss officials said the Federal Bureau of Investigation is investigating the case. 

 "We can confirm a female service member supporting Operation Allies Welcome reported being assaulted on Sept. 19 by a small group of male evacuees at the Doña Ana Complex in New Mexico." KFOX14

IN the NEWS - The Mental Illness of Cultural Marxism is America

The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God. Deuteronomy 22:5
Cultural Marxism is alive and well in America people are being threatened with punishment for using pronouns that are scientifically & biologically accurate.....placating mental illness is in and of itself a form of mental illness...
"A Pennsylvania university has warned it may mete out punishments for students who refer to “transgender” classmates by their legal names or biologically accurate pronouns, National Review reported Thursday. 
In a September 13 email, the Office of Equity and Inclusion at Point Park University (PPU) in Pittsburgh sent an email informing new and returning Fall 2021 students about the institution’s “Misgendering, Pronoun Misuse, and Deadnaming Policy.”

....the email warned Point Park students that “action could be taken” against them if they commit any of a variety of “microaggressions” or other alleged offenses against transgender students. 

The email failed to address the concerns of those who may feel the university’s policies violate their right to free speech or undermine their convictions that gender differences are biological and immutable." Lifesite

IN the NEWS - Luciferian Wolves Filled with EVIL

Here is what God thinks of causing the death of the unborn---
... so that her fruit depart from her,...And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,... Exodus 21:22-24

"The House-passed pro-abortion Women’s Health Protection Act offers a caveat for its use of the terms “woman” and “women” in the legislation, asserting access to abortion is “critical to the health of
every person capable of becoming pregnant,
” including “cisgender women, transgender men, non-binary individuals, those who identify with a different gender, and others.”

On Friday, the House passed the White House-backed bill, which prevents both the federal government and state governments from enacting or enforcing “any law, rule, regulation, standard, or other provision having the force and effect of law that conflicts with any provision” of the act. It passed 218-211, with all Republicans and one Democrat voting against." JustNews

What should be paramount is the right of the child with its beating heart, on the other side of the womb, to have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness stated in our Declaration of Independence.

On the Streets of Babylon: No Marriage for Straight Couples Allowed!

 Babylon is fallen, is fallen,..
Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4
There seems to be "some refusing to perform straight weddings" spotted behind the pulpits on the Streets of Babylon...
"Openly gay priest and long-time LGBT activist Lars Gårdfeldt has vowed to stop performing marriage ceremonies for heterosexual couples in Sweden.

Yes, really.

Gårdfeldt announced that he would refuse to marry straight couples in protest against a rule within the Church of Sweden that allows newly ordained priests to refuse to marry same-sex couples.

Then the same thing must apply to me as a homosexual, then I can say no to heterosexual couples,” Gårdfeldt told the Göteborgs-Posten. Torgny Lindén, the Press Secretary of the Diocese of Gothenburg, offered little pushback to Gårdfeldt promise, merely pointing out that it was his right to have free expression, adding, “We have no opinion on this. SummitNews

Creation Moment 9/27/2021 - When Scientists violate the objectivity of science itself

In the beginning God..... Genesis 1:1

"While the admission of a design for the universe ultimately raises the
question of a Designer (a subject outside of science), the scientific method does not allow us to exclude data which lead to the conclusion that the universe, life and man are based on design. To be forced to believe only one conclusion—that everything in the universe happened by chance—would violate the very objectivity of science itself."
Wernher von Braun, rocket pioneer, 1972

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Ecclesiastes 5:7 Your Talk is Cheap; Like Your Daydreams

For in the multitude of dreams and many words there are also divers vanities: but fear thou God. KJV
Talk is cheap, like daydreams 
and other useless activities. 
Fear God instead. NLT
Much dreaming and many words are meaningless. 
Therefore fear God. NIV
For, in the abundance of dreams both vanities and words abound; 
but fear thou God. YLT
For when dreams increase, 
empty words grow many: but do you fear God. RSV

"If, by the disturbed state of thy mind during the day, or by Satanic influence, thou dream of evil, do not give way to any unreasonable fears, or gloomy forebodings, of any coming mischief: 
Fear neither the dream nor its interpretation; God, will take care of and protect thee." Adam Clarke 
"The words or arguments which you might think of using to justify yourself, are as vain as dreams." Thomas Coke 
"Daydreaming is the stream of consciousness that detaches from
current, external tasks when attention drifts to a more personal and internal direction. This phenomenon is common in people's daily life shown by a large-scale study in which participants spend 47% of their waking time on average on daydreaming.In the recent research, identified costs of daydreaming outnumber the potential benefits. Mooneyham and Schooler reviewed studies published from 1995 and found 29 studies related to costs compared to only 6 recent studies arguing functional benefits of daydreaming."

Those Paganistic Remembrancers

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Exodus 20:4
"Every one knows how thoroughly Romanist is the use of the rosary; and how the devotees of Rome mechanically tell their prayers upon their beads. The rosary, however, is no invention of the Papacy. It is of the highest antiquity, and almost universally found among Pagan nations. 
It is commonly employed among the Brahmins of Hindustan; and in
the Hindoo sacred books reference is made to it again and again. Thus, in an account of the death of Sati, the wife of Shiva, we find the rosary introduced: "On hearing of this event, Shiva fainted from grief; then, having recovered, he hastened to the banks of the river of heaven, where he beheld lying the body of his beloved Sati, arrayed in white garments, holding a rosary in her hand, and glowing with splendor, bright as burnished gold." 
In Tibet it has been used from time immemorial, and among all the millions in the East that adhere to the Buddhist faith.
The laity in China sometimes wear this at the wrist, perfumed with musk, and give it the name of Heang-choo, or fragrant beads.
In Asiatic Greece the rosary was commonly used, as may be seen
from the image of the Ephesian Diana. In Pagan Rome the same appears to have been the case. The necklaces which the Roman ladies wore were not merely ornamental bands about the neck, but hung down the breast, just as the modern rosaries do; and the name by which they were called indicates the use to which they were applied. "Monile," the ordinary word for a necklace, can have no other meaning than that of a "Remembrancer." 
Now, whatever might be the pretense, in the first instance, for the introduction of such "Rosaries" or "Remembrancers," the very idea of such a thing is thoroughly Pagan. 
* It supposes that a certain number of prayers must be regularly gone over; it overlooks the grand demand which God makes for the heart, and leads those who use them to believe that form and routine are everything." TwoBabylons

ARCHAEOLOGY: Were their Parents Pre-Flood or Post-Babel?

Are these actually pre-flood tracks buried of children on the move as well as the prehistoric wolves, giant sloths and mammoths?
Or are they from early settlers expanding from Babel? 
Pre-Flood (... the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. Gen. 7:11) or Post-Babel Parents (Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. Gen.11:9)?

"Footprints have been discovered in the United States, suggesting humans settled North America long before the end of the last Ice Age, research published Thursday showed.

The footprints were left in mud on the banks of a long-since dried up lake, which is now part of a New Mexico desert.

Sediment filled the indentations and hardened into rock, protecting evidence of our ancient relatives, and giving scientists a detailed insight into their lives.

"Many tracks appear to be those of teenagers and children; large adult footprints are less frequent," write the authors of the study published in the American journal Science.

Researchers also found tracks left by mammoths, prehistoric wolves, and even giant sloths, which appear to have been at the same time as the humans visited the lake." KoreaTimes
Reminds one of not too far from New Mexico---clearly buried by a mass flood--
"The La Brea Tar Pits, in downtown Los Angeles, have yielded the skeletons of thousands of dire wolves—intermingled with the fossils of thousands of saber-tooth tigers (genus Smilodon)." ThoughtCo.

Creation Moment 9/26/2021 - Even More Complex

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
Psalm 139:14 NLT
"Today, the most powerful artificial intelligence systems employ a
type of machine learning called deep learning. Their algorithms learn by processing massive amounts of data through hidden layers of interconnected nodes, referred to as deep neural networks
As their name suggests, deep neural networks were inspired by the real neural networks in the brain, with the nodes modeled after real neurons — or, at least, after what neuroscientists knew about neurons back in the 1950s, when an influential neuron model called the perceptron was born. 
Since then, our understanding of the computational complexity of single neurons has dramatically expanded, so biological neurons are known to be more complex than artificial ones.

The most basic analogy between artificial and real neurons involves how they handle incoming information. Both kinds of neurons receive incoming signals and, based on that information, decide whether to send their own signal to other neurons. 

While artificial neurons rely on a simple calculation to make this decision, decades of research have shown that the process is far more complicated in biological neurons. 

Computational neuroscientists use an input-output function to model the relationship between the inputs received by a biological neuron’s long treelike branches, called dendrites, and the neuron’s decision to send out a signal.

This function is what the authors of the new work taught an artificial deep neural network to imitate in order to determine its complexity. They started by creating a massive simulation of the input-output function of a type of neuron with distinct trees of dendritic branches at its top and bottom, known as a pyramidal neuron, from a rat’s cortex. Then they fed the simulation into a deep neural network that had up to 256 artificial neurons in each layer. They continued increasing the number of layers until they achieved 99% accuracy at the millisecond level between the input and output of the simulated neuron. The deep neural network successfully predicted the behavior of the neuron’s input-output function with at least five — but no more than eight — artificial layers. In most of the networks, that equated to about 1,000 artificial neurons for just one biological neuron.

Unfortunately, it’s currently impossible for neuroscientists to record the full input-output function of a real neuron, so there’s likely more going on that the model of a biological neuron isn’t capturing. In other words, real neurons might be even more complex." Quanta

Friday, September 24, 2021

Both Covenants have a SANCTUARY

"Paul says that the sanctuary of Moses was the sanctuary of the first
covenant. It was, as we have seen, one of the chief features of that covenant.
But that covenant has given place to the new. Jer.31:31;
. Under this
new covenant we are now living; for it was confirmed by the Messiah, the Prince, ....during the last week of the seventy, or the last seven years of the 490, by Himself in person for the first half of the week, three years and a half to A.D.31, and
through His apostles during the remainder of that period, to A.D.34. Heb.2:3
The great features of that first covenant find their counterpart in the present. The sanctuary of that covenant must find its counterpart here
And the Bible nowhere recognizes anything as the sanctuary of God, except the sanctuary, or sanctuaries, connected with these two covenants. 
The new covenant therefore has a sanctuary, as well as the old.
This is proved directly by the words of Paul in the text in question, Heb.9:1: Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary.
---Paul is showing the relation which the two covenants sustain
to each other; and the word, also, shows that those things which he mentionspertained to both. 
---One had ordinances of divine service; the other also has them.
---One had a sanctuary; the other also
has a sanctuary." Uriah Smith