Wednesday, August 25, 2021

SDA News- Pathfinder Elected President of Zambia

Wherefore be ye not unwise,... Ephesians 5:17

"Hakainde Sammy Hichilema, commonly known as HH, a Seventh-day Adventist church member, has been declared by Justice Esau Chulu, chairperson for the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ), as the duly elected seventh president-elect of the Republic of

Zambia. Chulu declared him the winner of the August 12, 2021, general election after he received 2,810,757 votes, outpacing the incumbent president, Edgar Chagwa Lungu, who received 1,814,201 votes. A total of 4,858,193 votes were cast in the national election.

According to Reuters news organization, Hichilema, 59, was born in southern Zambia in a low-income family. He attended the University of Zambia on a government scholarship and later studied business and finance at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom. He is now a well-known businessman whose portfolio includes property management, cattle ranching, and financial consultancy.

Adventist members and leaders around the world congratulated Hichilema on his new position. “This is monumental and historical,” Adventist Church associate youth director Pako Mokgwane wrote. “Continue to live by the ideals of your Master Guide pin.”

During his campaigns, Hichilema promised to promote religious liberties for all faiths in the nation, adding that he wouldn’t coerce anyone into joining his church, as alleged by his political opponents. 

Hichilema was elected on his sixth attempt at the country’s top job." AR