Saturday, August 7, 2021

On the Streets of Babylon: BUSTED on the Streets

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,..
Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4
There seems to be some "Busted" on the Streets of Babylon....
"Exposed! ‘Apostle’ Kathryn Krick and ‘Exorcist’ Bob Larson Use Same Crisis Actor to Act ‘Demon-Possessed’...Two well-known charismatic exorcists have been exposed using the same woman to film multiple demon possession scenes, ... Kathryn Krick is fast becoming one of the most well-known and popular charismatic
huckster apostles, accumulating over 900,000 followers on TikTok and 8.5 million views, with her other socials adding tens of thousands of more followers and fans. 
She is uncomfortably bold in her public exorcisms and fake miracles, putting on extended shows of pomp and pageantry. 
As for Bob Larson, he’s the pastor of Spiritual Freedom Church in Phoenix. He has been “casting out demons” for decades now, and the videos never get any less bizarre or fantastical. If you have a demon inside of you, he’s been offering virtual exorcisms through Skype for only $295 a pop.
....the same actress with the same tattoo appears in multiple videos from both malcontents, acting the same way with the same mannerisms (more or less) and then the “demon gets cast out.”
In some new acts of “Charismatic Speak” and “Charismatic Concepts” after Krick exorcises the fake demon from the actress, explains, “I cancel them. I break off the attachment now and I declare every demonic spirit that was attached to those things that she just named must leave this body now.” She in turn says, “I renounce all cursed food that I’ve eaten.” Pen&Pulpit