Thursday, August 12, 2021

Little Children

"Except ye be converted and become as a little child, ye shall not enter the kingdom of God.” 
Q: What kind of children is mentioned? 
A: Little children
---Little children have not much pride of opinion of their own. 
---Grown up ones are not so ready to learn. 
There is another verse that tells us the same thing and perhaps in a more forcible manner.
 “And if any man think that he knoweth anything, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know it.
 1 Cor. 8:2
Q: How many people does that cover?
A: ... all of us.
Q: How deep then are the thoughts expressed in the Scriptures? 
A: Eternal.
So then we are to learn the truth only, no difference who speaks it,—the Lord will speak it, of course — no difference by whom it is spoken, or the way it comes; if we knew it before, thank God somebody else knows it now: If we did not know it before, then thank the Lord we now know it. 
----The only thing to ask is, Is it true?
I remember once in a camp-meeting a brother read some scriptures right straight through—it was about all he did do; it was a Bible reading; — but the thoughts he brought out in the Bible reading were new to a large number in the audience. 
About half a dozen came in a flock to me and asked, “Well, now, Brother Jones, what do you think about that?” 
I said, “It is none of your business what I think about it; what do you think about it yourself?” 
Well, we do not know what to think about it,” they replied. 
Then I said, “Find out.” 
-Suppose I had said I do not believe it; then they would have gone off and said, “I do not believe that, because Brother Jones said he did not.” 
-Suppose I had said it was so; they would have said, “That is so; Brother Jones says that is so.” 
So I propose to tell you nothing about what I think. 
It is none of your business: you know for yourselves what is the truth." A.T. Jones