Saturday, August 21, 2021

IN the NEWS - Wrath of the prince hits Haiti -- some of the most Vulnerable of God's Creation

The Wrath of the Prince of Persia Ravages Haiti----any place on the globe he can cruelly pound....and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia....for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
Daniel 10:20/Revelation 12:12

"Many buildings, homes, hospitals, and schools were destroyed by the natural phenomenon that hit the country and, according to
reports, the devastating earthquake left many missing. “There’s a lot of death and a lot of destruction,” Ann Lee, the CEO of CORE, a community-oriented aid organization, tells TIME. “We’re slowly seeing the numbers come up and it’s a lot worse than what I feared.” There have been dozens of aftershocks recorded since the earthquake, ranging from M2.5 to M5.8.

Haitians left hungry and homeless by a devastating earthquake
swarmed relief trucks and in some cases stole desperately needed goods Friday as leaders of the poor Caribbean nation struggled to coordinate aid and avoid a repeat of their chaotic response to a similar tragedy 11 years ago.

The attacks on relief shipments illustrate the rising frustration of those left homeless after the Aug. 14 magnitude 7.2 earthquake,

which killed nearly 2,200 people, injured more than 12,000 and destroyed or damaged more than 100,000 homes. Poor sanitation and damage to water systems are also sparking concerns about waterborne diseases. In Pestel, Grand’Anse, nearly 1,800 tanks of clean water were cracked by the earthquake.

Cholera is on everyone’s minds—the country’s first outbreak came after the 2010 earthquake, resulting in nearly 10,000 deaths. The waterborne disease continued to spread through the population, with a particularly significant increase after Hurricane Matthew in 2016.

Tropical Storm Grace swept across southern Haiti...Days after being

rocked by a deadly earthquake, ...heavy rains and powerful winds hit Haiti early Tuesday, raising the risk of floods and mudslides and hampering relief efforts for quake victims. Hundreds of landslides have occurred in the impacted area. The most significant landslide to date blocked the major national highway between Jeremie and Les Cayes hampering travel for rescue and aid efforts.

Haiti was the last country in the western hemisphere to receive COVID-19 vaccines, and took receipt of its first batch of 500,000 Moderna doses on July 16. CORE had just opened several COVID-19 vaccine clinics when the earthquake hit. “They’re mostly in the western [part of the country],” Lee tells TIME.

Compounding the natural disasters is Haiti’s ongoing turmoil since
the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse on July 7
. The investigation into the assassination is still underway, and there is no clarity about the motivations or even who was ultimately responsible for it. As a result, Haiti is experiencing unrest and fear about politically motivated arrests and a potential crackdown on political opponents of the current administration, which is being overseen by a caretaker government led by Prime Minister Ariel Henry."
